Foxglove – Dalmatian Peach (Digitalis purpurea) Open Pollinated Hybrid Apricot Foxgloves Heirloom Flower

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Foxglove – Dalmatian Peach (Digitalis purpurea) Open Pollinated Hybrid Coated Apricot Foxgloves Heirloom Flower


Height: 1.2 M

Foxgloves are celebrated for their towering spires of tubular blooms and their whimsical, bell-like appearance. 'Dalmatian Peach' is a unique hybrid addition to the heirloom classic foxglove favourites commonly known for its stunningly beautiful architectural form, and its' historical significance in cottage gardens and borders.

This open-pollinated cultivar is a testament to the enduring charm of these enchanting plants. 'Dalmatian Peach' has elegant stalks that also reach impressive heights and are adorned with large, pendulous, peach coloured blossoms with speckled throats, and this 'pelleted' variety is a standout choice for both novice and experienced gardeners. Its height makes it ideal as a stand alone feature or as a striking backdrop. Like all heirloom foxgloves, 'Dalmatian Peach' hybrid variety also attracts pollinators like bees and hummingbirds. 

Note: all parts of the plant are toxic if ingested. Exercise care and keep them out of reach of pets and children.Plant these seeds in a well-draining, partly shaded location to mimic their natural woodland habitat. Ensure consistent moisture but avoid waterlogged soil. Deadheading spent blooms will encourage continuous flowering throughout the season. Foxgloves are biennial, meaning they bloom in their second year and self-seed for future generations.

  • Prefers a rich, well-drained soil
  • Full sun to part shade
  • Direct seed in June; biennial and blooms in the second summer after it is seeded,
  • OR start indoors 6 weeks before last frost.
  • Transplant seedlings out after risk of frost has passed and allow for 24 in spacing.
  • Staking required.
  • Deadheading will encourage re-blooms, and restrain it from spreading its seed and popping up as a lovely but very unwelcome guest in pastures and hayfields.
  • Harvest and collect the seeds; you will likely not need to purchase more!
  • Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds from early to mid-summer.
  • Seed Count: 10