Bean - Mung Beans - (Vigna radiata) Sprouting Mung Bean Vegetable

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Bean - Mung Beans - (Vigna radiata) Sprouting Mung Bean Vegetable


Mung Beans are a members of the legume family and related to the adzuki and cowpea. Warm season Annuals.

These organic sprouting seeds are full of nutrition, high in Vitamins A, B, C and E, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, and amino acids. Not only are Mung bean sprouts high in protein, vitamin C, and Folacin, they are low in salicylate.

Climate and soil requirements

Mung bean is a warm season and frost-intolerant plant. Mung bean is suitable for being planted in temperate, sub tropical and tropical regions. The most suitable temperature for mung bean's germination and growth is 15-18 °C. Mung bean has high adaptability to various soil types, while the best pH of the soil is between 6.2 and 7.2. Mung bean is a short-day plant and long days will delay its flowering and podding.

Seedbed preparation and sowing

The seedbed for mung bean is similar to other legume plants. Mung beans can be usually interplanted with maizesorghum and others. Sowing mung beans should follow rotation cropping in case of being infected by pathogens. Before sowing, the seedbed should be ploughed and tilled thoroughly by adding enough organic fertilizer. Also, inoculating proper Rhizobium before seeding is also recommended for the first-time planting. The seed should be planted 4–8 cm deep, which is depending on the soil type. The density for seeding should be 150,000-200,000 plants per acre with a 50–80 cm row spacing. The seeding density should be different to distinct conditions. The early-maturing, upright type mung bean planted in non-rich soil with early seeding time should have a higher density than the late-maturing varieties, vine/half-vine type ones planted in rich soil with late seeding time.

Seed Count: 25