Endive - Full Heart Batavian Escarole ( Cichorium endivia) Endive Full Heart Batavian Non GMO & Organic Heirloom Herb Vegetable

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Endive - Full Heart Batavian - ( Cichorium endivia) Endive Full Heart Batavian Non GMO & Organic Heirloom Herb Vegetable



Endive is a leaf vegetable belonging to the daisy family. Can be eaten raw or cooked. This lettuce like plant is a full leafy green and is ideal for late crops, which can be harvested into the winter in warmer climates, as it is very cold hardy. This variety has a sharper flavor and is usually more crisp and bitter than typical lettuce; it forms a delicious mild flavoured heart. 

  • Requires rich, moisture-retentive soil with plenty of compost dug in.
  • Prefers full sun to part shade.
  • Frost tolerant variety.
  • Feeding not usually required.
  • Single Plants:  spacing: 9" (25cm) each way (minimum)
  • Rows: 18 to 24 in apart prevents plants from going to seed too quickly
  • Sow directly into soil in late spring.
  • Can blanch a few plants at a time when they are grown by excluding light from them for a few days. This can make them less bitter.
  • Harvest as required by cutting off at base; will sometimes resprout.
  • Seed Count: 1 gr