Datura - Angels Trumpet (Datura inoxia) Angel Downy Thorn Apple Lovache Moonflower Toloache Flower

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Angels Trumpet (Datura inoxia) Downy Thorn Apple Lovache Moonflower Toloache Flower

Hardy Annual

Height 3 ft

Inoxia, also known as Thorn Apple, Prickly Burr, Lovache, Moonflower, and Toloache is also commonly called Angel’s Trumpet, and is native to Mexico and Central America. Plants belong to the nightshade family, Solanaceae, and all parts are extremely toxic. Datura is a shrubby, sprawling, short-lived, tender perennial that is grown as an annual in cooler climates. The dark green leaves are ovate and wavy-margined (to 8 in long) and have a downy texture.

The name 'Angels Trumpet' is used for both Datura and Brugmansia which can be confusing; Datura is similar to Brugmansia, however there are notable differences:

  1. The huge flowers on both plants open at dusk, and both release an intoxicating scent that attracts night-flying pollinators looking for nectar.
  2. The trumpets of Brugmansia are larger, last for several days, and droop downward. Datura trumpet flowers ( 7in long and 4in wide at the mouth) can be single or double, and are upward facing. Datura flowers have a strong sweet fragrance, are cream to pink to lavender, and each flower will unravel in the evening to reveal a fragrant trumpet-shaped bloom that only lasts (one night ) until noon the following day. 
  3. Datura plants, which are shrub-like, can reach a height of up to 4 feet and spread as wide as 3 to 6 ft. Brugmansia are woody and more tree-like at heights of up to 10 feet. 

Datura blooms intermittently from mid-summer to frost, and when the flowers are finished they are followed by downy spherical fruit covered with stiff spines, hence the name of downy thorn apple for this plant. Datura's flowers are often used in perfumery because they smell of sweet apricots or plums. Though a strong narcotic plant, datura offers several health benefits and is extensively used for alleviating pain, treating fever, enhancing heart functions, improving fertility, inducing sleep, easing childbirth and promoting hair and skin health.

  • Full sun
  • Soil: rich, humous, loamy and well-drained with regular moisture.
  • Start seeds indoors about 6 to 8 weeks before last spring frost. Set plants out after last frost date. Plants tend to sprawl, and are best spaced about 3ft apart unless staking or other support will be necessary.
  • Container plants may be cut back and overwintered indoors in a sunny window.
  • Deadheading flowers is not necessary.
  • Harvest ripe seed for planting in the following spring. Place in paper bag, set aside and shake. Store in a cool dark place until use. Self-seeding may occur if seed heads are not cut.
  • Attracts hummingbirds and moths
  • Seed Count: 5