Campanula - Blue Uniform (Campanula carpatica) Carpathian Bellflowers Tussock Bell Flower Heirloom Flower

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Campanula - Blue Uniform (Campanula carpatica) Carpathian Bellflowers Tussock Bell Flowers Heirloom Flower


Height 8 - 10 in

Carpathian Bellflowers are extremely popular for edging or growing in the sunny rock garden. Plants form low cushion-shaped mounds of small green leaves, with loads of upward facing bell-shaped blooms beginning in early summer.

This selection has flowers of medium lavender blue. Remove spent flowers to encourage more buds to form. Clumps may be easily divided in early to mid spring if desired. In hot, humid summer regions these are seldom long lived. Reseeds from year to year; allow blooms to fade and collect the dried seeds

  • Full sun to part shade
  • Direct sowing is recommended; lightly scatter in June until late summer allowing seeds to stratify over winter
  • OR start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks prior to last frost. Temperature of 65 -70 F will promote germination within 2-3 weeks and transplant when seeds are strong enough to handle and all risk of frost has passed.
  • Prefers sun or semi- shade
  • Remove deadheads to prolong flowering
  • Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies
  • Seed Count: 25