Sprouting - Organic 5 part Sprouting Salad Mix - Alfalfa Radish Mung Beans Lentil and Broccoli Non- GMO Shoots and Sprouting

15 g
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Sprouting - Organic 5 part Sprouting Salad Mix - Alfalfa Radish Mung Beans Lentil and Broccoli Non- GMO Shoots and Sprouting


Packed Full Of Nutrition! Our 15 gram Sprouting Salad Mix packets include 5 awesome ingredients - all containing Phytates (and Phytic acid), which are antioxidant compounds found in whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. 

Sprouts can be added to salads and sandwiches, and can also be added to warm meals such as rice dishes, stir-fries, omelettes, soups or fresh burger patties. Sprouts can also be blended into smoothies and pancake batters, or simply grind them into a paste to spread on bread, crackers or vegetables. Either way....Yummy!

Why Sprout? Phytates, are said to bind to certain dietary minerals including iron, zinc, manganese and, to a lesser extent, calcium and slows their absorption. Humans do not possess the enzymes to break down phytates, but the sprouting process helps release enzymes in the plant to break these down and allows these minerals to be freely absorbed.

Sprouted seeds and greens have more Vitamin C, B Vitamins and antioxidants that materialize at higher concentrations. Sprouts are rich in a number of important nutrients. While the specific ratio of nutrients varies depending on the type of sprout, they generally contain high levels of folate, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin K. Sprout or direct sow into your garden and enjoy the delicious shoots.

Sprouting Instructions:

  • Serving Size: 1.5 Tablespoons
  • Soak: 4 to 6 hours
  • Rinse 2 to 3 X daily
  • Harvest: 5 to 7 days
Organic Sprouting Salad Mix:
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) Alfalfa has been shown to help lower cholesterol and may also have benefits for blood sugar management, and relieving symptoms of menopause. People also take it because it contains antioxidants, as well as nutrients like vitamin K, copper, folate, and magnesium. Alfalfa is also extremely low in calories. Sprouts have a mild taste and are nutty in flavour.
Mung Beans (Vigna radiata) Mung beans are high in nutrients and antioxidants, which may provide health benefits, such as protection against heat stroke, aids in digestive health, promotes weight loss and lowers 'bad' LDL cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels. An excellent source of dietary fibre and offer 12 grams of plant based proteins per 1/4 cup serving. Sprouts have a mild, clean, vegetal taste, and sprouts won't overwhelm the dish as they tend to absorb the flavours they're surrounded by. The sprouts add a crunchy, juicy element.   
Broccoli (Brassica oleracea) Sulforaphane is a naturally occurring compound in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and kale. It’s activated only when vegetables are chopped or chewed. The highest levels of sulforaphane are found in raw vegetables, and Broccoli sprouts are perfect; they are 3 to 5 day old broccoli plants, and like most sprouts, they have small green leaves and white stems that are a few inches long and still attached to the seed. For reference, they resemble alfalfa sprouts. Taste is earthy, similar to that of radishes
Radish(Raphanus sativus) Imagine the flavour of a radish or daikon densely concentrated into a small sprout! Radish sprouts are rich in essential amino acids and chlorophyll which has all sorts of benefits from cancer-fighting properties to digestive aid., and are high fibre and roughage to help keep things running smooth. Radish sprouts are very 'green' tasting, and pack a slightly spicy punch. They add a robust flavour to just about anything.
Lentils(Lens culinaris) Typically, lentils need to be cooked first to be easily digested - however sprouting neutralizes phytic acid and facilitates the bioavailability of nutrients like B vitamins and vitamin C. Sprouted lentils are grassy, crunchy, refreshing, and filling.


Organic Sprouting Mix Growing Instructions:

Materials Needed:
1. Organic sprouting mix
2. Glass or plastic sprouting jar
3. Fine mesh or cheesecloth for covering
4. Rubber band
5. Water
6. Tray or bowl for draining

Germination Rate:
Ranges from 80-95%.

Growing Process:

1. Preparation:
- Measure the desired amount of organic sprouting mix according to your jar's size.
- Rinse the seeds thoroughly under cold running water to remove any debris.

2. Soaking:
- Place the rinsed seeds in the sprouting jar.
- Fill the jar with water, covering the seeds generously.
- Allow the seeds to soak for the recommended time (usually 8-12 hours or as specified on the package).

3. Draining:
- After soaking, secure the mesh or cheesecloth over the jar's mouth using a rubber band.
- Invert the jar at an angle (45 degrees) and let it drain thoroughly for a few minutes.
- Ensure proper drainage to prevent waterlogged conditions.

4. Rinsing:
- Rinse the sprouting mix twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening.
- Use clean water each time and rotate the jar to distribute the seeds evenly.

5. Germination:
- Continue the rinsing process until sprouts start emerging (usually within 2-7 days).
- Ensure the sprouts are kept in a well-ventilated, shaded area away from direct sunlight.

6. Harvesting:
- Harvest when the sprouts have reached the desired length (typically 1-2 inches).
- Rinse the sprouts once more before consuming.

- Maintain a consistent room temperature of around 70°F (21°C) for optimal sprouting.
- Keep the sprouting jar away from direct sunlight during the germination process.
- If any signs of mold or unpleasant odors appear, discard the batch and sterilize the jar before trying again.


Seed Count: 15 GR