Mint - Mountain Mint – (Pycnanthemum Pilosum) Mountain Mint Pollinator Attractant Herb

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Mint - Mountain Mint – (Pycnanthemum Pilosum) Mountain Mint Pollinator Attractant Herb


Height: 30-50 cm 2-4 ft

Excellent plant to attract pollinators to your veggie garden! This mint is not the same as true mints; this variety belongs to a different family; they have a similar growth habit, appearance, and aroma and can be used like true mints. Like all mint, Mountain mint care is minimal. No spreading rhizomes; forms a perennial clump. Masses of white late summer flowers! Mountain mint has a myriad of fringe benefits. It is used in herbalism to treat digestive tract disorders like mouth sores, bleeding gums, indigestion, colic, and flatulence.  Mountain mint is also useful for menstrual disorders. Attracts bees and butterflies!

    • Full sun
    • Slender strongly scented mint leaves - use fresh or dried
    • Sun, part shade
    • June until frost
    • Direct seed anytime; first year flowering
    • Sow directly outdoors in either late fall or early spring.
    • Seed needs light to germinate, do not cover after sowing.
    • Outdoors Alternative: In late fall through to mid-winter fill plastic pots with a slightly moistened, sterile, soil-less growing mix. Sow seed in pots and label the pots.
    • Germination: 7-14 days.
    • Transplant (recommended): Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before transplanting out in mid- to late spring.
    • Sprinkle the seeds on the surface of the soil and lightly tamp into the soil so that the seeds are barely covered.
    • Harden off before transplanting outside.
    • Space 12" apart in rows 18" apart.
    • Grows well in average to moist soil.
    • Hright: 12"
    • Zones 5-8
    • Seed Count: 30