Carrot - Atomic Red ( Daucus carota subsp. sativus.) Atomic Scarlet Red Carrots Non GMO Heirloom Vegetable

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Carrot - Atomic Red ( Daucus carota subsp. sativus.) Atomic Scarlet Red Carrots Non GMO Heirloom Vegetable



Carrots aren't just orange anymore! Carrots are available in a wide selection of exquisite heirloom colors such as red, purple, yellow, and white. Atomic Red is a sugary sweet root vegetable, second only to the beet in overall sugar content, and is one of the easiest, quickest, and most satisfying garden crops to grow.

Atomic's shape is like that of a classic carrot, growing 6 in long with a tapered end, and has a striking deep red-orange. Danvers' type red carrot seeds grow and habit just like orange types,however this variety contains additional lycopene, and has a warm red root structure. Carrots can be sown every couple weeks for successive season- long harvesting.

  • Full sun
  • 65-80 days. 
  • Carrots are a cool weather crop best sown directly in early spring or late fall, as they do not transplant well.
  • Plant 2-3 seeds ¼" deep and 1-2" apart in very loose and well-drained soil in rows.
  • Germinates in 14-21 days, thinning back to 1 plant every 2" as true leaves establish. Avoid using nitrogen-rich fertilizers which are known to cause growth abnormalities.
  • Red carrot seeds require care no different than other classic carrot types. Make sure that the soil is sandy and loose with few rocks in it, so that the roots can easily grow long.
  • The soil will be best for growth if it has a pH level between 6.0-7.0. 
  • Harvest: 70-80 days or when when the root begins to show above soil.
  • Seed Count: 1/2 gram