Tomato - Beefsteak - Mortgage Lifter (Solanum lycopersicum) Organic Heirloom Whopper Non GMO Vegetable Fruit

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Tomato - Beefsteak - Mortgage Lifter (Solanum lycopersicum) Organic Heirloom Whopper Non GMO Vegetable Fruit

Scientifically known as Solanum lycopersicum 'Mortgage Lifter,' is a popular heirloom variety celebrated for its large, flavorful fruits. This tomato plant is typically classified as an indeterminate, meaning it continues to produce fruit throughout the growing season and may exhibit vining characteristics.

Growing Instructions:

  • 1. **Sunlight:** Requires full sunlight for at least 6-8 hours a day. Ensure the planting area receives ample sunlight exposure.
  • 2. **Soil:** Well-draining, nutrient-rich soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH is optimal. Adding compost or organic matter can enhance soil fertility.
  • 3. **Planting:** Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last expected frost. Transplant seedlings into the garden when the soil has warmed. Space plants around 2-3 feet apart.
  • 4. **Watering:** Maintain consistent soil moisture. Tomatoes prefer even watering, and it's crucial to avoid fluctuations that can lead to issues like blossom end rot.
  • 5. **Temperature:** Thrives in warm temperatures. Protect young plants from late spring frosts. The ideal temperature range for growing Mortgage Lifter Tomatoes is between 70-80°F (21-27°C).
  • 6. **Support:** Indeterminate varieties, like Mortgage Lifter, benefit from staking or caging to support the growing vines and heavy fruit clusters.
  • 7. **Fertilization:** Use a balanced fertilizer with additional phosphorus for fruit development. Follow a regular feeding schedule, especially during the flowering and fruit-setting stages.
  • 8. **Pruning:** Remove suckers (side shoots) to encourage better air circulation and focus energy on fruit production. Some gardeners also prune to a single main stem for tidier growth.
  • 9. **Pests and Diseases:** Monitor for common tomato pests like aphids and hornworms. Employ organic or chemical control methods as needed. Provide adequate spacing to minimize the risk of diseases.
  • 10. **Harvesting:** Harvest when tomatoes reach their full color and slightly yield to gentle pressure. Mortgage Lifter Tomatoes are known for their large size and rich, sweet flavour.
  • Seed Count: 10